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Daily Forecast 4/11/2021

Good morning, PA! Happy Sunday! Unfortunately, we have an unsettled day ahead of us as precipitation is expected for the entire state. Read below for a detailed description of each zone. Additionally, the future radar for tomorrow will be attached.

AREA A - Expect sun & clouds during the first half of the day. However, a low pressure system will move in slowly from the west and bring in cloud cover and rain showers. Expect scattered showers AFTER 2PM. **NOT EVERYONE** will see precipitation.

Area B- Expect sun & clouds during the first half of the day. However, an advancing cold front will provide enough lift in the atmosphere for thunderstorms to develop during the afternoon and evening hours. This area will be in the "warm sector" of the low pressure system, therefore there will be an efficient amount of CAPE and wind shear in the atmosphere for storms to develop. The storms and rain showers will remain scattered. Some of the stronger storms may cause locally strong wind gusts and small hail. Not every single storm will reach strong/severe limits. **NOT EVERYONE** will see precipitation and **NOT EVERYONE** will see a storm, due to the scattered nature of the storms and precipitation expected.

Area C - Expect mostly cloudy skies here for the entire day with widespread rain showers likely during the first half of the day. Clouds should hold on during the second half of the day with additional scattered rain showers during the afternoon and evening. A possible rumble of thunder is possible in the second half of the day.

Future Radar from 8:00AM through 8:00PM Sunday. The timestamp is located in the top left corner of the screen under "FUTURE CAST".

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